Source code for recoder.utils

import numpy as np
from scipy.sparse import coo_matrix

def unzip(l):
  Returns the inverse operation of `zip` on `list`.

    l (list): the list to unzip
  return list(map(list, zip(*l)))

[docs]def normalize(x, axis=None): """ Returns the normalization of `x` along `axis`. Args: x (np.array): matrix or vector axis (int, optional): the axis along which to compute the normalization """ return x / np.linalg.norm(x, axis=axis).reshape(-1, 1)
[docs]def dataframe_to_csr_matrix(dataframe, user_col, item_col, inter_col, item_id_map=None, user_id_map=None): """ Converts a :class:`pandas.DataFrame` of users and items interactions into a :class:`scipy.sparse.csr_matrix`. This function returns a tuple of the interactions sparse matrix, a `dict` that maps from original item ids in the dataframe to the 0-based item ids, and similarly a `dict` that maps from original user ids in the dataframe to the 0-based user ids. Args: dataframe (pandas.DataFrame): A dataframe containing users and items interactions user_col (str): users column name item_col (str): items column name inter_col (str): user-item interaction value column name item_id_map (dict, optional): A dictionary mapping from original item ids into 0-based item ids. If not given, the map will be generated using the items column in the dataframe user_id_map (dict, optional): A dictionary mapping from original user ids into 0-based user ids. If not given, the map will be generated using the users column in the dataframe Returns: tuple: A tuple of the `csr_matrix`, a :class:`dict` `item_id_map`, and a :class:`dict` `user_id_map` """ if user_id_map is None: users = dataframe[user_col].unique() user_id_map = {user: userid for userid, user in enumerate(users)} if item_id_map is None: items = dataframe[item_col].unique() item_id_map = {item: itemid for itemid, item in enumerate(items)} matrix_size = (len(user_id_map.keys()), len(item_id_map.keys())) matrix_users = dataframe[user_col].map(user_id_map) matrix_items = dataframe[item_col].map(item_id_map) matrix_inters = dataframe[inter_col] csr_matrix = coo_matrix((matrix_inters, (matrix_users, matrix_items)), shape=matrix_size).tocsr() return csr_matrix, item_id_map, user_id_map